Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This brochure is an example of a tri-fold brochure. I think this is a great example of a tri-fold brochure because it has balance, clean lines, and good use of colors and graphics. I like that the center fold only focuses on text and information, while the two surrounding fold offer visual and graphic representations. I like the use of a blue design line at the bottom of the brochure, but I would have liked if there was one along the top as well to make the brochure more balanced. The only major change I would make to this brochure would be to make use of some of the white space. I think they should have either made the graphic or the text larger to take up more space on the brochure. Over all this is a clean and good brochure with good elements of design and an effective method of giving out information.

Monday, April 9, 2012

I think this ad is a really eye catching advertisement. I think the use of color is very eye catching and makes the reader stop and look at what the ad is trying to sell. The ad uses both proportion and balance very well by making the ad symmetrical. The lines of the face are clean, and of course flawless. The light reflecting off the cherries draws the eye to the center of the ad, directly to the product being sold. Something I would change about the ad would be to make the bottle larger than the faces in the ad. The product should be the focus of the ad, but the first thing I noticed was the mouths with the cherries. I would also enhance the blue coloring of the bottle to make it pop against the red background more. I think this ad is a mix of both fantasy and image/lifestyle.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Good vs. Bad Layouts

Since we did an assignment on good and bad layouts I decided to blog what I thought was a good and a bad example of magazine cover layouts.
The Good
I thought this was a great layout. The colors caught my eye, it used shapes and text well. The picture has a good angle and nothing os over lapping or blocking off other text.

The Bad

I thought this was a pretty bad magazine layout. First of all there is part of the text blocking the title of the publication. The colors used dont go well together, and tha main picture on the cover is blocking some of the image in the top right corner. Overall its a messy cover layout that I wouldn't waste my time looking at. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Using Photoshop and Illustrator

Lesson 13_A
1.       Using smart objects in illustrator and brining them into Photoshop as a vector image will keep the image from illustrator clean and not cause it to be pixilated to distort when you scale the object.
2.       When you place a PSD file into illustrator it will update the file into a vector and allow you to alter and change the file in illustrator, but if you bring a vector file into Photoshop it embeds the object and it will not update and allow you to edit the file.
3.       In Photoshop you can use “convert” to record the steps you’ve taken to edit a file so that if you add those effects to any file you’d choose by just selected the “convert” key to apply the effects.
4.       To easier change the color or texture of a shape or object in Photoshop, bring it into illustrator and change the image there more easily then send it back to Photoshop to save time and keep the object at the best resolution.
5.       TIP: When placing images from illustrator to Photoshop always build them at 100% to maintain the quality of the image

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This week we learned about logos and designing our own logos. Like the example of the Coca-Cola logo I also used a a circle to make my logo cleaner and have better shape. I really like this logo because  it includes a shape, text, and a product picture. I think that the Coke label is really recognizable but providing that Coke bottle really helps the target market understand what product their standing. I think the Coke label is a classic logo that has stood the test of time with audiences and buyers of the product.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Too Much Photo Shop??

I found this picture of Kim Kardashian online and it was a before and after photo from the actual shoot and the finished photo after going through photo shop. I thought this was a really good example of showing just how much magazine do to photos to ensure the celeberity looks perfect. Obviously they cleaned up her thighs and hips. As well as making her waist smaller, the editors also perfected her skin tone and made her arms more slender. I thought this was a good example of what magazines and advertisments do to give famous people the appearance of unobtainable beauty.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Graphic Design Terms

- Lossless: a type of compression technique where you throw away the redundant pieces of information, but it does NOT affect the quality of your image.
  • Lossless formats include TIFF, PICT, BMP
-Lossy: a type of compression technique which makes files smaller, but you end up losing image quality.
  • JPEG uses a lossy format
Image Compression Lossless vs. Lossy

                                            Lossless                                 Lossy

-Resources for Creating Graphics:
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Smart Draw
  • Vector Graphics
  • RAW Images
  • Sources on the Internet (fonts etc.)
Internet Resource

-Infographics: graphics that represents information or data.