Thursday, January 19, 2012

Example of good Balance.

     This advertisement uses balance well to get across what they're selling or promoting. The picture has horizontal symmetry which makes the photo pleasing to look at. As well as the horizontal symmetry, the picture uses balance to make what could have been just a regular picture of an athlete edgier, and more interesting to look at. The interesting pat of the the balance used in this ad come from putting together different pictures of a variety of athletes into one big picture. The balance is also represented in the background of the photo; keeping all the backgrounds similar with the dark colors. This advertisement is a great example of using balance to make the photo aesthetically pleasing and interesting at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great example of balance and good design! I would also say that this is also a good example of unity. The figure, which is present in all four slices, helps unify the four very different sports. Symmetry is used in the design, but I would be careful about labeling as horizontal symmetry. Remember, horizontal symmetry is a horizontal reflection. (kind of like a reflection in water) Overall, GREAT JOB!
