Monday, February 27, 2012

Too Much Photo Shop??

I found this picture of Kim Kardashian online and it was a before and after photo from the actual shoot and the finished photo after going through photo shop. I thought this was a really good example of showing just how much magazine do to photos to ensure the celeberity looks perfect. Obviously they cleaned up her thighs and hips. As well as making her waist smaller, the editors also perfected her skin tone and made her arms more slender. I thought this was a good example of what magazines and advertisments do to give famous people the appearance of unobtainable beauty.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Graphic Design Terms

- Lossless: a type of compression technique where you throw away the redundant pieces of information, but it does NOT affect the quality of your image.
  • Lossless formats include TIFF, PICT, BMP
-Lossy: a type of compression technique which makes files smaller, but you end up losing image quality.
  • JPEG uses a lossy format
Image Compression Lossless vs. Lossy

                                            Lossless                                 Lossy

-Resources for Creating Graphics:
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Smart Draw
  • Vector Graphics
  • RAW Images
  • Sources on the Internet (fonts etc.)
Internet Resource

-Infographics: graphics that represents information or data.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Photoshop Blog
For my blog this week I decided to upload a JPG of the first work I ever did on photo shop. Most of the elements I used on my trend board are tools we have already learned in class like selection, lassos, layers, and adjusting the vibrancy, hue, and saturation. I really like working with photo shop and think it is a great system for my apparel classes for project. I hope to learn more to make my projects better and set them apart.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo Choice Blog

I chose this photo to edit with the selections tool, as well as changing the levess, colors, and vibrancy. It was taken on the Tea Cup ride in Euro Disney. I thought it was a great image to play with because I wanted to make it seem like we were really flying through the mad-hatter's tea party and add a cool effect to an otherwise cliche Disney Picture.